ExcludingcancerwithconfidenceExcluding cancer
with confidence

Increasing and improving access to healthcare for the global community
By harnessing the power of world-class sensing technology, powered by advanced, bespoke algorithms, our mission is to develop non-invasive, affordable and portable medical devices that produce clinically actionable results.

Early accurate screening with quantitative results powered by advanced, bespoke algorithms, operable by all health staff.
Our scanner’s non-invasive, affordable and portable design will make it uniquely suitable as a diagnostic tool to be used in GP and community clinic settings.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women globally - with 1 in 8 diagnosed during their lifetime. There is a 98% chance of recovery if cancer is detected and treated early. Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT), the Z-Scanner's underlying technology, will be capable of analysing dense tissue, which enables better care for women of colour and younger women.

Zedsen has developed novel world class algorithms
We are changing the paradigm of healthcare and are pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible by harnessing the power of our advanced, bespoke algorithms in conjunction with our world-class sensing technology.
We have developed novel world class algorithms that provide quantifiable results at a fraction of the cost.

Our team comprises eminent engineers, radical thinkers, world-class scientists, visionary creatives, talented entrepreneurs - and sometimes people who are all of these at once. Together we push the boundaries of the possible.